Issue Organizer
How it works
- Quickly finds and updates issues, moving them into sprints and assigning them to epics
- Finds specific Confluence pages or blog posts and can search for Jira issues or tickets based on filters
Deletes issues older than a year
Program management
Atlassian Cloud connectors
![Jira logo](https://wac-cdn-bfldr.atlassian.com/K3MHR9G8/at/sjm7qfvbqnrx9xvxjxvbkb3/Jira.png?auto=webp&format=png)
Suggest existing epics for issues without parents.
Move newest issues in the backlog to a sprint.
Delete issues that are more than a year old.
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Rovo is a human-AI collaboration tool that helps teams upskill and scale.