Sync Jira with your git provider
Developers do their best work in focus mode and updating work can sometimes be an unwanted distraction. Using automation rules such as this one, you can ensure that developers can stay in code mode but Jira will still be up to date and the central source of truth.
In this rule, when a Pull Request is merged, if the status is 'In Review' and there are no open pull requests, automation will transition the issue to 'done' and add value to the audit log.
The automation recipe
Step 1: Choose your trigger
Every rule starts with a trigger. In this case, it will be the ‘Pull request merged’ trigger. Whether you use Bitbucket or a third party tool like GitHub or GitLab - you will need to link the accounts first. Learn how to do that here. You only have to do this setup once, the first time you create a DevOps rule.

Step 2: Add your condition
A condition refines the rule so it won’t act too broadly. Here, we add the ‘Issue fields’ condition, specifying that status is ‘In Review’

Step 3: Add JQL condition
Now, we add another condition. The Issue fields condition is easier to use but the JQL condition can get much more granular. This time we are going to choose the JQL condition to do just that.
We use JQL here to tell automation to ensure there are no open pull requests still to do. The JQL for this in our case is development[pullrequests].open = 0

Step 4: Add ‘Transition issue’ action
The action we want to choose here is to transition the issue to ‘Done’.

Step 5: Add another action
You can add multiple actions. In this case, we simply want to add a value to the audit log as we might want to use this in a later rule. Here we use a smart value: {{issue.key}} has been merged.

Step 6: Test it!
It is best to test rules like this out on a free personal instance of Jira first or in a sandbox to ensure everything is running smoothly. As ever, follow the audit log for breadcrumbs of all activity.
Learn more about Jira automation
How to automate across Jira and GitLab (relevant for any Git provider)
An intro to smart values
Demo-den introduction to DevOps automation
One page with all helpful Jira automation resources
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