
Visual collaboration with Whiteboards

How do brainstorms become deliverables? Whiteboards in Confluence simplifies transforming ideas into actionable tasks for team collaboration. Ready to get started?

Brainstorm, visualize, and turn ideas into action – without ever leaving Confluence. Turning a brainstorm into a reality should not be a manual, big lift. Confluence Whiteboards are designed to make this process as smooth as possible. 

  • Collaborate in real-time with your team on an infinite, flexible canvas
  • Visually articulate ideas and map out processes with stickies, text, shapes, and connectors
  • Embed content and media from external tools to bring in extra context
  • Convert stickies into Jira issues and Confluence pages to action on ideas

Create a whiteboard

Ready to create a whiteboard? Follow these steps below.

  1. From home, or in your desired space, click the Create button at the top of the page.
  2. Select Whiteboards from the drop down.
  3. Select a template from the gallery to start with, or start from a blank page.
  4. Add a title and you’re off to the races!
  5. Be sure to share it with your team by clicking the Share button on the top right.

Use a template to make a page

Whiteboard taskbar

Confluence Whiteboards is your flexible, infinite canvas with intuitive features to help you visualize your great ideas. Here’s a quick rundown of the available tools.

  • Stickies
  • Text
  • Line connectors
  • Stamps and stickers
  • Images
  • Links
  • Templates

Pro Tip

Utilize the stamp collections to bring in some fun and color to your whiteboards

Turning ideas into action

You’ve got the ideas, now it’s time to action on them. The tight integrations between whiteboards and other Atlassian tools helps to bridge the gap between where teams think and where teams do. Here’s how you can integrate whiteboards seamlessly into your Atlassian workflows.

Create Jira issues direction from whiteboards: turn sticky notes and shapes into single or multiple Jira issues.

  • Select a sticky or shape with text inside it.
  • Select + Create a Jira issue from the floating toolbar.
  • Select a site, project, and issue type from the options in the picker. Note that the required input fields will update depending on the project and issue you select.
  • Fill in all required fields, then select Create.
  • Create smart sections to take bulk actions in Jira
  • Embed needed plans and attachments for the full picture

Import Jira issues into your whiteboards: search and import single or multiple Jira issues into your whiteboard.

  • Open up the Jira issue import dialog by clicking on the Jira tool on your toolbar
  • To search using plain text:
    • Enter your query into the search field.
    • Select as many issues from the list as you would like to import.
    • Select Import issues.

  • To search using JQL:
    • Select JQL near the search bar.
    • Enter your JQL query in the search field.
    • Select as many issues from the list as you would like to import.
    • Select Import issues.

Embed your entire whiteboard into Jira, Confluence, or Trello: Easily embed your whiteboards into project posters, roadmaps, kanban boards, and more by pasting a link into your desired tool.

Pro Tip

Simply copy and paste any link into your whiteboard to embed external content. Links from other Atlassian tools and select 3rd party tools will automatically transform from the URL to a Smart Link with multiple display options.

Collaborate on a Confluence page

Learn how to collaborate effectively in Confluence.

Organize structured data with databases

Unlock the full potential of your team with Confluence databases.