Eliminate manual tasks with automations
The average worker wastes 19 working days per year on tasks that could be automated.
What if you could help your teams save time by automating repetitive, manual tasks in Confluence? This includes manually notifying teams with the latest updates, organizing content, updating permissions, and handling similar manual tasks—much of which could be streamlined through automations in Confluence.

What are automations in Confluence?
Automation is the process of setting up a criteria or rule that automatically triggers an action when it occurs. The point of automation is to reduce the work around work.
With automations in Confluence, you can now eliminate manual tasks, freeing up time for your teams to focus on more important work. Automation of workflows and tasks in Confluence increases your organization’s efficiency, quality of work, and bandwidth.
For example, say your editor asks you to alert them each time a knowledge base page is ready for their review. Instead of manually sending a page status update to them via Slack or email, you can use automations in Confluence to automatically ping them with the update. Automating this workflow saves your team's time and ensures that any new content that requires review doesn’t slip through the cracks.
Here are some other examples of how work smarter with automations in Confluence:
- Maintain a source of truth within Confluence by automatically archiving stale content or organizing in the right space
- Notify teams and keep work on track by sending an email or Slack notification when a task is approaching a due date
- Standardize processes by publishing the same set of key pages templates or tasks for a new space or project.
To help reduce the admin burden and overhead, end users can now create smart buttons to set up and launch one-time automation rules on a page.